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CherryPy Essentials

Rapid Python Web Application Development
CherryPy Essentials Image
This book covers the CherryPy library for Python web development from its history and installation through its main features and core concepts to its integration with Python and other products to construct, test, and deploy a sample photoblog application. The author Sylvain Hellegouarch is dedicated to the development of free software projects and has been coordinating and administrating the community efforts around the CherryPy project since 2004. The approach based on an example application introduces many other common Python libraries, providing transferable skills also relevant for non-web Python projects. This book is principally geared towards Python web developers, who are looking to add the power of the CherryPy library to their existing Pyth...

BPEL Cookbook

Best Practices for SOA-based integration and composite applications development
BPEL Cookbook Image
This book is not just another generic set of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) best practices with only general recommendations and advice: instead it's a unique cookbook that shows you how SOA applications are built using best practices that are proven in 10 real-world scenarios. The book consists of three sections. The first two sections will inspire you. They showcase real-life projects on BPEL-based integration and development of composite applications. You'll see that SOA is a reality today, learn what successful implementations are like, and how SOA can work for you right now. It will encourage you to take a plunge into the world of services and test-drive SOA yourself. If you are already in the middle of an SOA implementation, these sections...

Apache MyFaces 1.2 Web Application Development

Apache MyFaces 1.2 Web Application Development Image
The book is written as a step-by-step, example-driven tutorial designed to be worked through step by step working on the example code as you learn. A fun example scenario is used throughout the book and of course all source code is available to download from the author's web site. The book is packed with tips and tricks, based on experience with MyFaces in real-life projects. This book is intended for Java developers who want to develop web frontends for their enterprise applications using Apache MyFaces as JSF implementation. Some basic knowledge of JSF is expected....

Android User Interface Development

Beginner's Guide
Android User Interface Development Image
This is a step-by-step guide that aims to give even a novice Android developer a good grasp of user-interface design, while working through examples, diagrams, and screenshots to showcase the various widgets and tools that the platform makes available....

Alfresco Enterprise Content Management Implementation

How to Install, use, and customize this powerful, free, Open Source Java-based Enterprise CMS
Alfresco Enterprise Content Management Implementation Image
This well-crafted and easy-to-use book is a complete guide to implementing enterprise content management in your business using Alfresco. It guides you through creating smart, collaborative content repositories, and shows how to use Alfresco to create more elegant document sharing, better collaborative working, and reliable automated workflow processes. This book is designed for system administrators, experienced users or developers who want to install and use Alfresco in their teams or businesses. Because Alfresco is free many teams can install and experiment with its ECM features without any upfront cost, often without management approval. The book assumes a degree of technical confidence but does not require specialist sysadmin or developer skills...

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