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Testable JavaScript

Testable JavaScript Image
One skill that's essential for any professional JavaScript developer is the ability to write testable code. This book shows you what writing and maintaining testable JavaScript for the client- or server-side actually entails, whether you're creating a new application or rewriting legacy code.From methods to reduce code complexity to unit testing, code coverage, debugging, and automation, you'll learn a holistic approach for writing JavaScript code that you and your colleagues can easily fix and maintain going forward. Testing JavaScript code is complicated. This book helps you simply the process considerably.Get an overview of Agile, test-driven development, and behavior-driven development Use patterns from static languages and standards-based JavaSc...


Designing Great iPhone Apps
Tapworthy Image
So you've got an idea for an iPhone app -- along with everyone else on the planet. Set your app apart with elegant design, efficient usability, and a healthy dose of personality. This accessible, well-written guide shows you how to design exceptional user experiences for the iPhone and iPod Touch through practical principles and a rich collection of visual examples. Whether you're a designer, programmer, manager, or marketer, Tapworthy teaches you to "think iPhone" and helps you ask the right questions -- and get the right answers -- throughout the design process. You'll explore how considerations of design, psychology, culture, ergonomics, and usability combine to create a tapworthy app. Along the way, you'll get behind-the-scenes insight...

Supercharged JavaScript Graphics

With HTML5 canvas, jQuery, and More
Supercharged JavaScript Graphics Image
With HTML5 and improved web browser support, JavaScript has become the tool of choice for creating high-performance web graphics. This faced-paced book shows you how to use JavaScript, jQuery, DHTML, and HTML5's Canvas element to create rich web applications for computers and mobile devices.By following real-world examples, experienced web developers learn fun and useful approaches to arcade games, DHTML effects, business dashboards, and other applications. This book serves complex subjects in easily digestible pieces, and each topic acts as a foundation for the next.Tackle JavaScript optimization and understand how it impacts performance Create fast-moving graphics by combining old-school DHTML with jQuery Learn advanced UI techniques using the jQue...

Sencha Touch 2

Up and Running
Sencha Touch 2 Image
Launch into Sencha Touch 2 with this hands-on book, and quickly learn how to develop robust mobile web apps that look and behave like native applications. Using numerous code samples, author Adrian Kosmaczewski guides you every step of the way through this touchscreen-enabled JavaScript frameworkfrom creating your first basic app to debugging, testing, and deploying a finished product. Learn how to craft user interfaces, build forms, and manage data, then deploy as either an HTML5 offline app or as a native app for Android, iOS, or Blackberry.Define classes and create instances with Sencha Touch's object-oriented abstraction Build user interfaces with the framework's extensive set of high-level components Develop apps that consume complex data, wheth...

Python for Data Analysis

Python for Data Analysis Image
Python for Data Analysis is concerned with the nuts and bolts of manipulating, processing, cleaning, and crunching data in Python. It is also a practical, modern introduction to scientific computing in Python, tailored for data-intensive applications. This is a book about the parts of the Python language and libraries you'll need to effectively solve a broad set of data analysis problems. This book is not an exposition on analytical methods using Python as the implementation language.Written by Wes McKinney, the main author of the pandas library, this hands-on book is packed with practical cases studies. It's ideal for analysts new to Python and for Python programmers new to scientific computing.Use the IPython interactive shell as your primary devel...

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