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C# Threading Handbook

C# Threading Handbook Image
This book addresses the fundamental units of Windows and .NET programming - threads. A strong understanding of the role threads play in program execution, how multiple threads can interact in order to make efficient programs, and the pitfalls to beware of when developing multithreaded applications, are all core to a developer's ability to develop effective C# programs. This book will cover how .NET applications are executed, the life cycle of a thread in .NET, how the .NET Framework uses threads, how threads work in an event-driven environment, how we can avoid race conditions and deadlocks, how the activity of multiple threads can be synchronized, and how to debug multithreaded applications. We finish it off by describing the creation of a multithre...

Beginning Lua Programming

Beginning Lua Programming Image
This book is for students and professionals who are intrigued by the prospect of learning and using a powerful language that provides a rich infrastructure for creating programs. No programming knowledge is necessary to benefit from this book except for the section on Lua bindings, which requires some familiarity with the C programming language. A certain comfort level with command-line operations, text editing, and directory structures is assumed.You need surprisingly little in the way of computer resources to learn and use Lua. This book focuses on Windows and Unix-like (including Linux) systems, but any operating system that supports a command shell should be suitable. You'll need a text editor to prepare and save Lua scripts.If you choose to exte...

Windows 8 For Dummies

Application Development with HTML5
Windows 8 For Dummies Image
The fast and easy guide for creating Windows 8 apps using popular technologies!This book offers a primer for building HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript applications for Windows 8. It includes an up-to-date guide for dusting off an aging HTML skill set and adapting to the Windows 8 apps and provides a reference for Windows and .NET programmers not familiar with HTML5. The overall design principles of MetroUI (the new design paradigm for Windows) are discussed.The book also addresses visual design with HTML and CSS, which are the visual design languages to bring MetroUI applications to the screen. Finally, there is a section on using JavaScript for inter- and intra-functional components.? Contains the design principles for MetroUI, the new design paradigm for...

Visual Studio 2005

All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies
Visual Studio 2005 Image
A thorough revision to the Visual Studio 2005 All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies makes this the ideal book for new programmers or Java programmers looking to get up and running with Visual Studio. The book will be a comprehensive, value-priced reference for the entire Visual Studio 2005. Microsoft's catch-phrase for Visual Studio 2005 is personal productivity. The goal of personal productivity is to allow the developer to work at a higher level of abstraction. The goal of this book is to show the reader how to build applications using these productivity features of VS. As a result, language syntax and programming constructs are de-emphasized in favor of showing the user how to let VS generate the code.This book takes a layered approach similar to ...

The Cognitive Dynamics of Computer Science

Cost-Effective Large Scale Software Development
The Cognitive Dynamics of Computer Science Image
A groundbreaking, unifying theory of computer science for low-cost, high-quality softwareThe Cognitive Dynamics of Computer Science represents the culmination of more than thirty years of the author's hands-on experience in software development, which has resulted in a remarkable and sensible philosophy and practice of software development. It provides a groundbreaking ontology of computer science, while describing the processes, methodologies, and constructs needed to build high-quality, large-scale computer software systems on schedule and on budget.Based on his own experience in developing successful, low-cost software projects, the author makes a persuasive argument for developers to understand the philosophical underpinnings of software. He asse...

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