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Software Design & Engineering eBooks Page 14

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Object-Oriented System Development

Object-Oriented System Development Image
There is more to "object-oriented" than application programming. Object-oriented methods have revolutionized the way analysts, designers, software engineers, project managers, and tool builders construct entire software systems. Object-Oriented System Development will help you to better understand the role of analysis and design in the object-oriented development process. Rather than subscribing to a particular object-oriented method, this book gives step-by-step instructions on how to put key object-oriented concepts to work in software construction. Many examples, including a full banking system, are developed throughout the book to illustrate the process of object-oriented software development from analysis, through design, and into impl...

Extreme Programming Explored

Extreme Programming Explored Image
Extreme Programming (XP) is a phenomenon. It promises developers unprecedented efficiency and quality -- and it's delivering on that promise. In this book, Bill Wake doesn't just explain XP to developers who are new to it: he shows how to personally apply the XP best practices that have been identified by leading-edge practitioners. This new book emerged from a series of Bill Wake's essays intended to help XP newbies understand and personally apply XP. Wake covers each key tenet of XP development, including the central role of developers, programming in pairs, direct communication with customers, and continual testing. The book's pragmatic, hands-on approach is reinforced with supporting Java code, concrete examples, and extensive war stories. Along ...

Extreme Programming Explained

Embrace Change
Extreme Programming Explained Image
The new concept of Extreme Programming (XP) is gaining more and more acceptance, partially because it is controversial, but primarily because it is particularly well-suited to help the small software development team succeed. This book serves as the introduction to XP that the market will need. XP is controversial, many software development sacred cows don't make the cut in XP; it forces practitioners to take a fresh look at how software is developed. The author recognizes that this "lightweight" methodology is not for everyone. However, anyone interested in discovering what this new concept can offer them will want to start with this book....

Extreme Programming Applied

Playing to Win
Extreme Programming Applied Image
Extreme Programming (XP) is a fundamentally different way to create software: simple, yet disciplined, lightweight yet powerful, flexible yet rigorous. It's catching on like wildfire, as developers who try it discover not only its effectiveness, but the pleasure it returns to their work. Extreme Programming Applied is the place to start for any developer or project manager preparing to use XP for the first time. In this book, two pioneers in XP practice offer a complete introduction to applying XP at all stages of the software development lifecycle -- design, testing, implementation, and deployment. They introduce XP's key principles in the context of actual development challenges, explaining why XP's "soft" approach is more appropriate to ...

Documenting Software Architectures

Views and Beyond
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Architecture is crucial to the success of any large software system -- but even a superb architecture will fail if it isn't communicated well. Now, there's a language- and notation-independent guide to capturing architecture so it can be used successfully by every analyst, software designer, and developer. The authors review the diverse goals and uses of software architecture documentation, providing documentation strategies for several common scenarios. They identify the basic unit of software architecture documentation: the viewtype, which specifies the type of information to be provided in an architectural view. For each viewtype -- Modules, Component-and-Connectors, and Allocation -- they offer detailed guidance on documenting what really matters...

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