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Technical Communication

Technical Communication Image
8th Edition
Thousands of students have successfully improved their writing and design skills using Anderson's TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION: A READER-CENTERED APPROACH. Known for its treatment of the rhetorical situation and coverage of usefulness and persuasion, this edition renews the focus on the reader-centered approach and includes new learning outcomes at the start of each chapter to help students gain more from their reading....

Statistics with STATA

Version 12
Statistics with STATA Image
8th Edition
For students and practicing researchers alike, STATISTICS WITH STATA Version 12 opens the door to the full use of the popular Stata program--a fast, flexible, and easy-to-use environment for data management and statistics analysis. Integrating Stata's impressive graphics, this comprehensive book presents hundreds of examples showing how you can apply Stata to accomplish a wide variety of tasks. Like Stata itself, STATISTICS WITH STATA will make it easier for you to move fluidly through the world of modern data analysis....

MATLAB Programming for Engineers

MATLAB Programming for Engineers Image
4th Edition
Emphasizing problem-solving skills throughout this very successful book, Stephen Chapman introduces the MATLAB language and shows how to use it to solve typical technical problems. The book teaches MATLAB as a technical programming language showing students how to write clean, efficient, and well-documented programs. It makes no pretense at being a complete description of all of MATLAB's hundreds of functions. Instead, it teaches students how to locate any desired function with MATLAB's extensive on line help facilities. Overall, students develop problem-solving skills and are equipped for future courses and careers using the power of MATLAB....

Algorithms Sequential & Parallel

A Unified Approach
Algorithms Sequential & Parallel Image
3rd Edition
Equip yourself for success with a state-of-the-art approach to algorithms available only in Miller/Boxer's ALGORITHMS SEQUENTIAL AND PARALLEL: A UNIFIED APPROACH, 3E. This unique and functional text gives you an introduction to algorithms and paradigms for modern computing systems, integrating the study of parallel and sequential algorithms within a focused presentation. With a wide range of practical exercises and engaging examples drawn from fundamental application domains, this book prepares you to design, analyze, and implement algorithms for modern computing systems....

Web Design for Teens

Web Design for Teens Image
"Web Design for Teens" focuses on the creation and design of Web sites. Using HTML and some basic Web design programs, the book teaches the reader how to skillfully go from a blank slate (such as in Notepad) to a professionally designed Web site. As more and more teenagers and preteens learn about Web sites early in their school years, there is clearly a market for this teen-focused book. Schools are teaching HTML and Web design as early as fifth and sixth grade. Starting with the basics, readers learn the components of a clean web site and what goes into it. Readers then continue on to HTML, Web site design and to how to purchase a domain name as well as host a Web site so others can view it on the Internet. Readers will also be able to ta...

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