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Beginning DirectX 9

Beginning DirectX 9 Image
There exists a gap in the game programming market where beginning programmers are finding themselves without an introductory guide. Existing books focus on the 3D component of DirectX only, leaving readers without a complete understanding of DirectX. In order to fully understand DirectX and the game programming process, readers need examples that build on previous chapters to guide them through to the completion of a playable game. "Beginning DirectX 9" does just that. Readers should have basic understanding of 3D math and C++. With this rudimentary experience, "Beginning DirextX 9" enables readers to create a playable game using easy-to-understand examples....

Beginning DirectX 11 Game Programming

Beginning DirectX 11 Game Programming Image
Discover the latest and most popular technology for creating next-generation 3D games: DIRECTX 11! BEGINNING DIRECTX 11 GAME PROGRAMMING is an introductory guide to learning the basics of DirectX 11 that will help get you started on the path to 3D video game programming and development. Written specifically for the beginner programmer, this book uses step-by-step instructions to teach the basics of DirectX 11 and introduces skills that can be applied to creating games for PCs and game console platforms such as the Xbox 360. Updated for all the newest DirectX 11 technology, this book includes coverage of improved professional coding practices, an overview of the latest DirectX components and tools, sprites, text and font rendering, 3D character render...

Beginning Direct3D Game Programming

Beginning Direct3D Game Programming Image
2nd Edition
With a detailed explanation of vertex and pixel shader programming, coverage of the new Microsoft HLSL (High Level Shader Language), and greater concentration of the fixed function pipeline, the second edition of this popular reference guide will take you farther than you ever imagined! Written by an industry expert, this book will put an end to your struggle to master the concepts. "Beginning Direct3D Game Programming, 2nd Edition" serves as a comprehensive guide for learning DirectX graphics programming. It allows you to start with the basics and ease your way into graphics and animation. As you work your way through the book, however, you'...

Beginning C# Game Programming

Beginning C# Game Programming Image
"Beginning C# Game Programming" approaches the topic of programming with C# for a total beginner, first easing the reader into the techniques of C#, and then slowly combining all of the information together enabling the reader to create a complete computer game. Divided into two comprehensive sections, this book first provides readers with the techniques and skills that they need to program with C#, including the basics of .NET and computer programming. The second section concentrates on programming for games. Readers will learn how to use C# to interface with DirectX 9 and will cover the basics of graphics, input, and sound....

Beginning C++ Game Programming

Beginning C++ Game Programming Image
This book approaches C++ from a game programming perspective unlike any other on the market. Offering a thorough and modern introduction to C++, this book is everything that an aspiring game programmer needs in order to learn the fundamentals of C++ and game programming basics. There is no programming experience necessary-the book starts at the beginning of C++ and game programming. Therefore, even readers without any previous programming experience can get as much out of the book as anyone else. Beginning C++ Game Programming presents a small but complete program for each new concept and a complete game program at the end of each chapter. It then presents readers with a final game project at the end of the book that combines most of the major topics...

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