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Directx 9 User Interfaces

Design And Implementation
Directx 9 User Interfaces Image
Companion CD included with Paint Shop Pro 8 evaluation edition! Interfaces strongly affect how an application or game is received by a user, no matter which cutting-edge features it may boast. This unique book presents a comprehensive solution for creating good interfaces using the latest version of DirectX. This involves building an interface library from the ground up. Divided into three sections, the book discusses the foundations of interface design, the construction of a feature-rich interface library, and the creation of a fully functional media player in DirectShow....

DirectX 9 Graphics

The Definitive Guide to Direct 3D
DirectX 9 Graphics Image
DirectX 9 Graphics: The Definitive Guide to Direct3D provides a detailed and comprehensive guide to getting started with DirectX, with a specific focus on Direct3D, a technology designed to create interactive multimedia products. This book demystifies DirectX, starting with the basics of setting up a DirectX application and finishing with the intricacies of real-time 3D animation. Learn how to: Create and render 3D worlds. Use index and vertex buffers to represent 3D primitives. Apply 3D mathematical theory to graphic design. Export 3D models from 3D rendering applications and import them into DirectX as meshes. Save and load data using X files. Create snow, rain, fog, and more using point sprites and particle systems. Animate pixel data on textures....


Vertex & Pixel Shader Tips and Techniques
Direct3D SHADERX Image
Focusing on Direct3D 8.x, this book shows a wide array of specialized vertex and pixel shader programming tricks from industry experts. Vertex and pixel shader programming allows graphics and game developers to create photorealistic graphics on the personal computer for the first time. And with DirectX, programmers have access to an assembly language interface to the transformation and lighting hardware (vertex shaders) and the pixel pipeline (pixel shaders). This book begins with an introduction to vertex and pixel shader programming and moves on to a wide array of specialised shader tricks contributed by 27 experts in game and graphics programming. These range from character animation and lighting to photorealistic faces and non-photorealistic rend...

C++ Plus Data Structures

C++ Plus Data Structures Image
3rd Edition
This book is designed for a course in Data Structures where C++ is the programming language. The book focuses on abstract data types as viewed from three different persepctives: their specification, their application, and their implementation....

C++ Builder 6 Developers Guide

C++ Builder 6 Developers Guide Image
C++Builder 6 Developer's Guide is targeted at intermediate to advanced developers who wish to develop their applications with one of the most powerful C++ implementations on the Windows platform. C++Builder 6 is a revolutionary edition of the product compared to previous versions....

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