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Zen of Assembly Language

Zen of Assembly Language Image
The Zen of Assembly Language assumes that you're already familiar with assembly language. Not an expert, but at least acquainted with the registers and instructions of the 8088, and with the use of one of the popular PC assemblers. Your familiarity with assembly language will allow us to skip over the droning tutorials about the use of the assembler and the endless explanations of binary arithmetic that take up hundreds of pages in introductory books. We're going to jump into high-performance programming right from the start, and when we come up for air 16 chapters from now, your view of assembly language will be forever altered for the better. Then we'll leap right back into Volume II, applying our newfound knowledge of assembly language to ever- mo...


A Survival Guide for Secure Shell Handling
OpenSSH Image
The OpenSSH suite of tools provides replacements for some of the common administrative tools used today such as telnet, FTP and the r-utilities; yet, these tools, considered insecure because they use clear-text communication over the network, are in still in common use. OpenSSH provides an encrypted channel between computers and remote servers to ensure against a malicious attacker intercepting and reading information in transit....

Securing Linux

A Survival Guide for Linux Security
Securing Linux Image
As the Linux operating system has matured and grown in popularity, security risks have increased. SANS is pleased to announce publication of Securing Linux, a collaborative effort from many authorities who work with and secure Linux on a daily basis. This new addition to the Security Step-by-Step guides is not just an update to the previous Linux Step-by-Step from SANS. The book is a complete rewrite from the ground up, showing the latest in best practices for securing a Linux system. Check it out: the 104-page definitive guide is not only for security experts. The novice experimenting with Linux at home or in the workplace will benefit from this guide, which covers both workstations and many server setups. By using example scripts and the accompanyi...

Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics

Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics Image
The first book providing comprehensive coverage of vehicle dynamics in a single volume, Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics provides a foundation of engineering principles and analytical methods to explain the performance of an automotive vehicle, with chapters focusing on: acceleration performance; braking performance; aerodynamics and rolling resistance; ride; tires; steady-state cornering; suspensions; steering systems; and rollover. Acceleration, braking, turning, and ride are among the most fundamental properties of a motor vehicle. To understand the vehicle as a system, it is necessary to acquire a knowledge of all these modes. Motion is the common denominator of all these modes; thus, the study of this field is denoted as vehicle dynamics. Fundam...

International Relations

The Basics
International Relations Image
International Relations is a concise and accessible introduction for students new to international relations and for the general reader. It offers the most up-to-date guide to the major issues and areas of debate and: explains key issues including humanitarian intervention and economic justice features illustrative and familiar case studies from around the world examines topical debates on globalization and terrorism provides an overview of the discipline to situate the new reader at the heart of the study of global politics Covering all the basics and more, this is the ideal book for anyone who wants to understand contemporary international relations....

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