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Get to the Top on Google

Tips and Techniques to Get Your Site to the Top of the Search Engine Rankings and Stay There
Get to the Top on Google Image
It is a fact that people avoid sponsored search results and rarely make it past page two of their result listings on Google. So how do you get your business to the top and keep it there? It has been predicted that Internet sales will make up nearly half of all purchases by 2012. As a result, being at the top of organic search results can literally transform your business. Get to the Top on Google: Tips and Techniques to Get Your Site to the Top of the Search Engine Rankings-and Stay There is the first book to comprehensively address all aspects of modern day search engine marketing through a straightforward methodology, which includes an up-to-date assessment of the impact of Web 2.0 on marketing strategies. Thorough and accessible, Get to the Top on...


Bringing Home the Bits
Broadband Image
Broadband communication expands our opportunities for entertainment, e-commerce and work at home, health care, education, and even e-government. It can make the Internet more useful to more people. But it all hinges on higher capacity in the 'first mile' or 'last mile' that connects the user to the larger communications network. That connection is often adequate for large organizations such as universities or corporations, but enhanced connections to homes are needed to reap the full social and economic promise. Broadband: Bringing Home the Bits provides a contemporary snapshot of technologies, strategies, and policies for improving our communications and information infrastructure. It explores the potential benefits of broadband, existing and projec...

Spatial Data Management

Spatial Data Management Image
Spatial database management deals with the storage, indexing, and querying of data with spatial features, such as location and geometric extent. Many applications require the efficient management of spatial data, including Geographic Information Systems, Computer Aided Design, and Location Based Services. The goal of this book is to provide the reader with an overview of spatial data management technology, with an emphasis on indexing and search techniques. It first introduces spatial data models and queries and discusses the main issues of extending a database system to support spatial data. It presents indexing approaches for spatial data, with a focus on the R-tree. Query evaluation and optimization techniques for the most popular spatial query ty...

Relational and XML Data Exchange

Relational and XML Data Exchange Image
Data exchange is the problem of finding an instance of a target schema, given an instance of a source schema and a specification of the relationship between the source and the target. Such a target instance should correctly represent information from the source instance under the constraints imposed by the target schema, and it should allow one to evaluate queries on the target instance in a way that is semantically consistent with the source data. Data exchange is an old problem that re-emerged as an active research topic recently, due to the increased need for exchange of data in various formats, often in e-business applications. In this lecture, we give an overview of the basic concepts of data exchange in both relational and XML contexts. We give...

Learning with Support Vector Machines

Learning with Support Vector Machines Image
Support Vectors Machines have become a well established tool within machine learning. They work well in practice and have now been used across a wide range of applications from recognizing hand-written digits, to face identification, text categorisation, bioinformatics, and database marketing. In this book we give an introductory overview of this subject. We start with a simple Support Vector Machine for performing binary classification before considering multi-class classification and learning in the presence of noise. We show that this framework can be extended to many other scenarios such as prediction with real-valued outputs, novelty detection and the handling of complex output structures such as parse trees. Finally, we give an overview of the ...

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