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SAP and BW Data Warehousing

How to Plan and Implement
SAP and BW Data Warehousing Image
SAP and BW Data Warehousing: How to Plan and Implement is an introductory book for professionals and end-users associated with SAP and BW. It addresses their need to obtain an overview of SAP and BW features and functionality as well as project planning and implementation. SAP and BW Data Warehousing: How to Plan and Implement will be beneficial to a broad audience including those planning an SAP or BW project, senior executives, directors, functional managers and analysts, power users, end-users, project managers and project implementation team members (including technical staff, configurators, developers, and trainers). It can also be used as a supplemental text in IT courses that cover the subjects of ERP and data warehousing....

After the Software Wars

After the Software Wars Image
Given the technology that's already available, we should have cars that drive us around, in absolute safety, while we lounge in the back and sip champagne. All we need is a video camera on the roof, plugged into a PC, right? We have all the necessary hardware, and have had it for years, but don't yet have robot-driven cars because we don't have the software. This book explains how we can build better software and all get our own high-tech chauffeur....

SAPscript Made Easy

SAPscript Made Easy Image
This guidebook (known as Printout Design Made Easy until Release 3.1H) helps reduce consulting time in development and modification of SAPscript forms. The book explains in an intuitive step-by-step manner how to do most common task (like moving/adding fields, printing bar codes and/or company logos etc.). These task help adapt forms quicker and more efficiently by using the new graphical WYSIWYG-based tools Form Painter and PC Editor....

System Administration Made Easy

System Administration Made Easy Image
The most commonly performed system administration tasks are explained step-by-step in this guidebook. Eighty percent of the book is operation system/database independent; the rest covers Microsoft SQL Server...

Building Firewalls with Openbsd and PF

Building Firewalls with Openbsd and PF Image
2nd Edition
Written by Jacek Artymiak, a frequent contributor to ONLamp.com, Building Firewalls with OpenBSD and PF is the first and only print publication devoted solely to the subject of the pf packet filter used in OpenBSD, FreeBSD, and NetBSD operating systems. Topics covered include: firewall design, ruleset syntax, packet normalization (scrubbing), packet redirection (masquerading), packet filtering, bandwidth management (ALTQ), load balancing, and more. The author maintains a web site and a mailing list for the readers of his book....

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