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Beginner's Guide eBooks Page 18

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Python 3 Web Development

Beginner's Guide
Python 3 Web Development Image
Part of Packt's Beginner's Guide Series, this book follows a sample application, with lots of screenshots, to help you get to grips with the techniques as quickly as possible. Moderately experienced Python programmers who want to learn how to create fairly complex, database-driven, cross browser compatible web apps that are maintainable and look good will find this book of most use. All key technologies except for Python 3 are explained in detail....

OGRE 3D 1.7 Beginner's Guide

OGRE 3D 1.7 Beginner's Guide Image
This book is an example-driven introduction to OGRE 3D. Each example shows some new features and you learn step-by-step to create complex scenes with different effects using OGRE 3D. After several examples discussing one topic there is a do-it-yourself part where you will be challenged to solve problems on your own. If you have ever wanted to develop 3D applications with OGRE 3D, this example-driven book will enable you to do so. Understanding of C++ is needed to follow the examples in the book....

Liferay Beginner's Guide

Liferay Beginner's Guide Image
Quick and easy techniques to build, deploy, and maintain your own Liferay portal Detailed steps for installing Liferay portal and getting it running, for people with no prior experience of building portals Follow the example of building a neighbourhood site with pre-installed portlets and custom portlets Create your own communities, organizations and user groups, and learn how to add users to them In Detail Liferay portal is a leading horizontal portal product, written in Java. It has the power to provide the intranets and extranets of large corporations. Liferay will allow you to build your company's portal quickly, efficiently, and in a custom way to suit the needs of your corporation. Liferay Beginner's Guide will show you how to set up your own...

Kentico CMS 5 Website Development

Beginner's Guide
Kentico CMS 5 Website Development Image
This book is written in a clear, easy-to-understand, and practical tutorial style taking the reader through relevant, real-world examples that can be put into practice immediately. Each topic is written in a practical way and is developed incrementally throughout the book. As the book progresses each chapter provides more detailed information to aid the reader in learning and understanding more about Kentico CMS and how to complete the tasks they need to build a dynamic, scalable, and responsive website. This book is designed for web developers, designers, webmasters, content editors, and marketing professionals who want to develop a fully featured web presence in a simple and straightforward process. No prior knowledge of Kentico CMS is expected. Yo...

JQuery UI Themes Beginner's Guide

JQuery UI Themes Beginner's Guide Image
Create new themes for your JQuery site with this step-by-step guide Overview Learn the details of the jQuery UI theme framework by example No prior knowledge of jQuery UI or theming frameworks is necessary The CSS structure is explained in an easy-to-understand and approachable way Numerous examples, no unnecessary long explanations, lots of screenshots and diagrams In Detail Web applications today generally use at least some JavaScript to enhance the look and feel of the user interface. The jQuery UI toolkit gives web developers a set of widgets as well as a framework for developing and applying themes. jQuery UI Themes: Beginner's Guide is for web developers who want to design professional-looking applications that are resilient to change. It is ...

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