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Apache JMeter

A practical beginner's guide to automated testing and performance measurement for your websites
Apache JMeter Image
Learn to load-test your website, test its functional behaviour, and measure its performance by implementing the features of JMeter. The ideal readers or users of this book are experienced or novice testers who have been testing manually and now would like to automate their tests. Those testers who are already automating their testing using other tools or testing software may also want to use this book as they look for alternatives. This book would also be a good point for test Managers/Leaders to start doing research on the test automation tool that may best suit their testing needs and of course, their budget. JMeter's target audience is the testing community, which is generally not the hangout of developers or technical people. Almost anything one ...

Android User Interface Development

Beginner's Guide
Android User Interface Development Image
This is a step-by-step guide that aims to give even a novice Android developer a good grasp of user-interface design, while working through examples, diagrams, and screenshots to showcase the various widgets and tools that the platform makes available....

Android 3.0 Animations

Beginner's Guide
Android 3.0 Animations Image
Bring your Android applications to life with stunning animations. The first and only book dedicated to creating animations for Android apps. Covers all of the commonly used animation techniques for Android 3.0 and lower versions. Create stunning animations to give your Android apps a fun and intuitive user experience. A step-by-step guide for learning animation by building fun example applications and games. In Detail An enjoyable, understandable, and eye-catching user interface is a key part of getting users to love your app. Users today expect a polished multimedia experience on their mobile device, and animation is a core part of that. The Android operating system is at the forefront of tablet and smartphone technology, and there is a plethora o...

Adobe Flash 11 Stage3D Game Programming

Beginner's Guide
Adobe Flash 11 Stage3D Game Programming Image
Written in an informal and friendly manner, the style and approach of this book will take you on an exciting adventure. Piece by piece, detailed examples help you along the way by providing real-world game code required to make a complete 3D video game. Each chapter builds upon the experience and achievements earned in the last, culminating in the ultimate prize your game! If you ever wanted to make your own 3D game in Flash, then this book is for you. This book is a perfect introduction to 3D game programming in Adobe Molehill for complete beginners. You do not need to know anything about Stage3D/Molehill or Flash 11 in order to take advantage of the examples in this book. This book assumes that you have programming experience in AS3 (Actionscript ...

Learning Web Design

A Beginner's Guide to HTML, StyleSheets, and Web Graphics
Learning Web Design Image
3rd Edition
Everything you need to know to create professional web sites is right here. Learning Web Design starts from the beginning -- defining how the Web and web pages work -- and builds from there. By the end of the book, you'll have the skills to create multi-column CSS layouts with optimized graphic files, and you'll know how to get your pages up on the Web. This thoroughly revised edition teaches you how to build web sites according to modern design practices and professional standards. Learning Web Design explains:How to create a simple (X)HTML page, how to add links and images Everything you need to know about web standards -- (X)HTML, DTDs, and more Cas...

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