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Administrator's Handbook
Apache Image
The Apache Web server runs more than 55 percent of the sites on the Internet, making it the number one Web server, and more widely used than all other Web server combined. Apache 2.0 is the first majore release of Apache since its inception, and represents a complete change in Apache architecture--one requiring that administrators and developers learn new procedures and techniques for configuring and maintaining the Apache server. Apache Administrator's Handbook is a practical hands-on guide to the installation, configuration, and administration of the Apache Web server. It will show you how to build and configure Apache with the features and modules you need, how to seucre the server, how to interpret log files, and how to tune the server's perform...

Batteries in a Portable World

A Handbook on Rechargeable Batteries for Non-Engineers
Batteries in a Portable World Image
2nd Edition
Batteries in a Portable World by Isidor Buchmann fills a definite need for practical information about rechargeable batteries. Quite often, performance specifications for batteries and chargers are based on ideal conditions. Manufacturers carry out battery tests on brand new equipment and in a protected environment, removed from the stress of daily use. In Batteries in a Portable World, Mr. Buchmann observes the battery in everyday life in the hands of the common user. By reading Batteries in a Portable World, you will acquire a better understanding of the strengths and limitations of the battery. You will learn how to prolong battery life; become fami...

Handbook of Modern Sensors

Physics, Designs and Applications
Handbook of Modern Sensors Image
3rd Edition
The Handbook's coverage of sensors is extensive, ranging from simple photodiodes to complex devices containing components in combination. It offers hard-to-find reference data on the properties of numerous materials and sensing elements and emphasizes devices that are less well-known, whose technology is still being refined, and whose use permits the measurement of variables that were previously inaccessible....

Springer Handbook of Mechanical Engineering

Springer Handbook of Mechanical Engineering Image
This resource covers all areas of interest for the practicing engineer as well as for the student at various levels and educational institutions. It features the work of authors from all over the world who have contributed their expertise and support the globally working engineer in finding a solution for todays mechanical engineering problems. Each subject is discussed in detail and supported by numerous figures and tables....

Programming and Customizing the OOPic Microcontroller

The Official OOPic Handbook
Programming and Customizing the OOPic Microcontroller Image
This is the official OOPic (object oriented embedded microcontroller) manual endorsed by the largest manufacturer of OOPics and the first to market book on these microcontrollers that are taking the robotics industry by storm. Foreword of this book is written by the President and CEO of Savage Innovations - the manufacturer of the OOPic microcontrollers It offers a programming guide and application notes consolidation for the OOPic. It includes a full object listing as well as an IDE (Integrated Development Interface) guide. It offers a CD-ROM that contains a full object listing of the OOPic microcontroller, sample code you can incorporate and customize for your projects, as well as special OOPic-related software....

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