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Photoshop CS6 and Lightroom 4

A Photographer's Handbook
Photoshop CS6 and Lightroom 4 Image
Adobe Photoshop is central to almost all photography workflows and Lightroom has rapidly been adopted as well. Each new version of the software is a milestone in the development of these vital imaging tools, and the 2012 releases are no exception. Photographers often feel overwhelmed when starting with Photoshop; the sheer number of tools and options make it difficult for the novice. There is no shortage of instructional books, yet very few direct the user to the most significant aspects of the program in a way that reflects a real workflow for the photographer. Adobe Certified Instructor Steve Laskevitch has leveraged his experience as a teacher and practitioner to create a guide that provides a clear and effective workflow for editing photographs i...

Scene of the Cybercrime

Computer Forensics Handbook
Scene of the Cybercrime Image
"Cybercrime and cyber-terrorism represent a serious challenge to society as a whole." - Hans Christian Krger, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of EuropeCrime has been with us as long as laws have existed, and modern technology has given us a new type of criminal activity: cybercrime. Computer and network related crime is a problem that spans the globe, and unites those in two disparate fields: law enforcement and information technology. This book will help both IT pros and law enforcement specialists understand both their own roles and those of the other, and show why that understanding and an organized, cooperative effort is necessary to win the fight against this new type of crime. 62% of US companies reported computer-related secu...

The HDRI Handbook

High Dynamic Range Imaging for Photographers and CG Artists +DVD
The HDRI Handbook Image
The HDRI Handbook reveals the secrets behind High Dynamic Range Imaging (HDRI). This cutting-edge imaging technology is a method to digitally capture and edit all light in a scene. It represents a quantum leap in imaging technology, as revolutionary as the leap from Black White to Color imaging. If you are serious about photography, you will find that HDRI is the final step that places digital ahead of analog. The old problem of over- and underexposure in analog photography, which was never fully solved, is elegantly bypassed here. A huge variety of subjects can now be photographed for the first time ever. HDRI emerged from the movie industry, and was once Hollywood's best kept secret. It is now a mature technology available to everyone. The only pr...

Handbook of Optoelectronics

Handbook of Optoelectronics Image
A field as diverse as optoelectronics needs a reference that is equally versatile. From basic physics and light sources to devices and state-of-the-art applications, the Handbook of Optoelectronics provides comprehensive, self-contained coverage of fundamental concepts and practical applications across the entire spectrum of disciplines encompassed by optoelectronics. The handbook unifies a broad array of current research areas with a forward-looking focus on systems and applications.Beginning with an introduction to the relevant principles of physics, materials science, engineering, and optics, the book explores the details of optoelectronic devices and techniques including semiconductor lasers, optical detectors and receivers, optical fiber devices...

The Database Hacker's Handbook

Defending Database Servers
The Database Hacker's Handbook Image
Databases are the nerve center of our economy. Every piece of your personal information is stored there-medical records, bank accounts, employment history, pensions, car registrations, even your children's grades and what groceries you buy. Database attacks are potentially crippling-and relentless.In this essential follow-up to The Shellcoder's Handbook, four of the world's top security experts teach you to break into and defend the seven most popular database servers. You'll learn how to identify vulnerabilities, how attacks are carried out, and how to stop the carnage. The bad guys already know all this. You need to know it too.* Identify and plug the new holes in Oracle and Microsoft(r) SQL Server* Learn the best defenses for IBM's DB2(r), Postgre...

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