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Handbook of Research on Information Security and Assurance

Handbook of Research on Information Security and Assurance Image
While emerging information and internet ubiquitous technologies provide tremendous positive opportunities, there are still numerous vulnerabilities associated with technology. Attacks on computer systems are increasing in sophistication and potential devastation more than ever before. As such, organizations need to stay abreast of the latest protective measures and services to prevent cyber attacks. The Handbook of Research on Information Security and Assurance offers comprehensive definitions and explanations on topics such as firewalls, information warfare, encryption standards, and social and ethical concerns in enterprise security. Edited by scholars in information science, this reference provides tools to combat the growing risk associated with ...

Handbook of Research on Global Diffusion of Broadband Data Transmission

Handbook of Research on Global Diffusion of Broadband Data Transmission Image
Large investments have been made by various governments for the deployment of broadband within their respective nations; however, the citizens of such countries have demonstrated a slow adoption of this technology. The Handbook of Research on Global Diffusion of Broadband Data Transmission explores broadband adoption and the digital divide through a global perspective, providing up-to-date research on constructs such as relative advantage, utilitarian outcomes, hedonic outcomes, and service quality. Compiling cutting-edge research from over 100 noted experts in nearly 30 countries, this invaluable reference source allows policy makers, internet service providers, and others to gain multicultural insight into what factors actively influence consumers ...

Handbook of Enterprise Systems Architecture in Practice

Handbook of Enterprise Systems Architecture in Practice Image
Enterprise architecture (EA) is the organizing logic for a firms core business processes and IT capabilities captured in a set of policies and technical choices. Handbook of Enterprise Systems Architecture in Practice provides a comprehensive and unified reference overview of practical aspects of enterprise architecture. This Premier Reference Source includes a complete analysis of EA theory, concepts, strategies, implementation challenges, and case studies. The impact of effective enterprise architecture on IT governance, IT portfolio management, IT risks, and IT outsourcing are described in this authoritative reference tool. Researchers and IT professionals will gain insights into how firms can maximize the business value of IT and increase competi...

Handbook of Distance Learning for Real-Time

And Asynchronous Information Technology Education
Handbook of Distance Learning for Real-Time Image
In information technology, unlike many other fields, the need to support the unique perspective of technologically advanced students and deliver technology-rich content presents unique challenges. Todays IT students need the ability to interact with their instructor in near-real time, interact with their peers and project team members, and access and manipulate technology tools in the pursuit of their educational objectives. The Handbook of Distance Learning for Real-Time and Asynchronous Information Technology Education delves deep into the construct of real-time, asynchronous education through information technology, pooling experiences from seasoned researchers and educators to detail their past successes and failures, discussing their techniques,...

Developing Quality Technical Information

A Handbook for Writers and Editors
Developing Quality Technical Information Image
2nd Edition
The book presents a much needed approach to quality technical communication and a working plan for achieving quality. The examples are excellent and are easy to use and adapt. The editorial advice is simple and clear enough for tech writers who did not major in English or journalism. It is most worthy of a text in university programs, but it is more valuable to experienced writers, editors and managers concerned with raising the quality of their publications. The main difference between this and other books is that in each of the first nine chapters, one quality characteristic is presented that you can apply to your writing project to make technical in...

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