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Clojure for Machine Learning

Clojure for Machine Learning Image
Successfully leverage advanced machine learning techniques using the Clojure ecosystem with this book and ebook Overview Covers a lot of machine learning techniques with Clojure programming. Encompasses precise patterns in data to predict future outcomes using various machine learning techniques Packed with several machine learning libraries available in the Clojure ecosystem In Detail Clojure for Machine Learning is an introduction to machine learning techniques and algorithms. This book demonstrates how you can apply these techniques to real-world problems using the Clojure programming language. It explores many machine learning techniques and also describes how to use Clojure to build machine learning systems. This book starts off by introducin...

Learning Android Application Programming for the Kindle Fire

A Hands-On Guide to Building Your First Android Application
Learning Android Application Programming for the Kindle Fire Image
Master Android App Development for Amazon's Bestselling Kindle Fire-Hands-On, Step-by-Step! In this book, bestselling Android programming authors Lauren Darcey and Shane Conder teach you every skill and technique you need to write production-quality apps for Amazon Kindle Fire, the world's hottest Android tablet. You'll learn the very best way: by building a complete app from start to finish. Every chapter builds on what you've already learned, helping you construct, expand, and extend your working app as you move through the entire development lifecycle. Packed with fully tested, reusable sample code, this book requires absolutely no previous Android or mobile development experience. If you've ever written any Java code, you can dive right in and g...

Learning the iOS 4 SDK for JavaScript Programmers

Create Native Apps with Objective-C and Xcode
Learning the iOS 4 SDK for JavaScript Programmers Image
Is it possible for JavaScript programmers to learn Apple's iOS 4 SDK and live to tell the tale? Technology guru Danny Goodman did, and with this book he leaves a well-marked trail for you to follow. An authority on JavaScript since its inception, Goodman understands the challenges you might face in creating native iOS apps with this SDK, and introduces Xcode, Objective-C, and Cocoa Touch in a context you'll readily understand. Why bother with the SDK when you can simply build web apps for Apple's iOS devices? Web apps can't access an iPhone's music library, camera, or iOS system software for maps, audio, and more. Nor can you sell web apps in the App Store. If you want to take full advantage of the iPhone and iPad, iOS 4 SDK is your tool -- and this ...

Learning Android Intents

Learning Android Intents Image
Explore and apply the power of intents in Android application development Overview Understand Android Intents to make application development quicker and easier Categorize and implement various kinds of Intents in your application Perform data manipulation within Android applications In Detail Android is an emerging technology with loads of apps in the Google Play Market. Till date, it is the biggest marvel in Smartphone technology, propelling a larger number of developers into Android application development. Intent is an essential part of any Android Application and no Android application is complete without using them. Features such as listening broadcasts, sending messages, sharing via social networks, notifications, hardware components includi...

Learning Nessus for Penetration Testing

Learning Nessus for Penetration Testing Image
Master how to perform IT infrastructure security vulnerability assessments using Nessus with tips and insights from real-world challenges faced during vulnerability assessment Overview Understand the basics of vulnerability assessment and penetration testing as well as the different types of testing Successfully install Nessus and configure scanning options Learn useful tips based on real-world issues faced during scanning Use Nessus for compliance checks In Detail IT security is a vast and exciting domain, with vulnerability assessment and penetration testing being the most important and commonly performed security activities across organizations today. The Nessus tool gives the end user the ability to perform these kinds of security tests quickly...

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