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Learning Pixelmator

Learning Pixelmator Image
Enhance your photos effectively and unleash the artist inside, with Pixelmator Overview Learn how to use Pixelmator and its primary tools. Discover how to edit your photos using real world examples. Use the Effect tools and artistically enhance your images. In Detail Today, everybody has a digital camera, but how do you turn your pictures into masterpieces? With Pixelmator, you will be able to edit your photos like a pro and get that artistic, professional feel to your images. "Learning Pixelmator" will teach you how to use Pixelmator to turn your everyday snapshots into works of art. With an example-based approach, you will learn how to use each tool effectively to create, edit, or enhance your photos. It is for everyone that wants to ge...

Drupal for Education and E-Learning

Drupal for Education and E-Learning Image
2nd Edition
Create web-based, content-rich tools for teaching and learning Overview Create a powerful tool for communication among teachers, students, and the community with minimal programming knowledge Produce blogs, online discussions, groups and a media hosting platform using Drupal Step-by-step instructions in a teacher-friendly approach; creating your classroom website will be an enjoyable task In Detail As social networks become more popular, their role in the classroom has come under scrutiny. Drupal offers a wide variety of useful tools for educators. Within a single Drupal site, you can set up social bookmarking, podcasting, video hosting, formal and i...

Learning Kendo UI Web Development

Learning Kendo UI Web Development Image
An easy-to-follow practical tutorial to add exciting features to your web pages without being a JavaScript expert with this book and ebook Overview Learn from clear and specific examples on how to utilize the full range of the Kendo UI tool set for the web Add powerful tools to your website supported by a familiar and trusted name in innovative technology Learn how to add amazing features with clear examples and make your website more interactive without being a JavaScript expert In Detail Creating useful and attractive web sites for todays audiences requires more JavaScript programming than ever before. JavaScript, however, isnt easy and staying up to date with recent trends makes it even harder. You need a way to integrate the latest technology i...

Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and CSS

A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites
Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and CSS Image
2nd Edition
If you're familiar with HTML, using the information in Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and CSS, you will quickly learn how to build interactive, data-driven websites with the powerful combination of PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and CSS - the top technologies for creating modern sites. This hands-on guide explains each technology separately, shows you how to combine them, and introduces valuable web programming concepts such as objects, XHTML, cookies, and session management.Carefully paced for non-programmers, this second edition of the top-selling guide to web development now also provides an extensive introduction to CSS, and benefits from reader questions...

Make AVR Programming

Learning to Write Software for Hardware
Make AVR Programming Image
Atmel's AVR microcontrollers are the chips that power Arduino, and are the go-to chip for many hobbyist and hardware hacking projects. In this book you'll set aside the layers of abstraction provided by the Arduino environment and learn how to program AVR microcontrollers directly. In doing so, you'll get closer to the chip and you'll be able to squeeze more power and features out of it.Each chapter of this book is centered around projects that incorporate that particular microcontroller topic. Each project includes schematics, code, and illustrations of a working project. Program a range of AVR chipsExtend and re-use other people's code and circuitsInterface with USB, I2C, and SPI peripheral devicesLearn to access the full range of power and speed o...

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