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Learning SQL on SQL Server 2005

Learning SQL on SQL Server 2005 Image
Anyone who interacts with today's modern databases needs to know SQL (Structured Query Language), the standard language for generating, manipulating, and retrieving database information. In recent years, the dramatic rise in the popularity of relational databases and multi-user databases has fueled a healthy demand for application developers and others who can write SQL code efficiently and correctly. If you're new to databases, or need a SQL refresher, Learning SQL on SQL Server 2005 is an ideal step-by-step introduction to this database query tool, with everything you need for programming SQL using Microsoft's SQL Server 2005-one of the most powerful and popular database engines used today. Plenty of books explain database theory. This guide lets y...

Learning Red Hat Linux

Learning Red Hat Linux Image
3rd Edition
The Linux success story is well known: firmly established as an operating system in widespread use, its worldwide installations are still increasing at phenomenal rates. Much of this success has been on the server side, but more and more PC users are turning to Linux on the desktop, as well. For those grounded in Microsoft Windows or older versions of Apple's Macintosh OS, the first look at Unix-style operating system can be daunting. Learning Red Hat Linux provides a clear, no-nonsense introduction to the popular Red Hat distribution of Linux.The third edition of Learning Red Hat Linux will ease into the world of Linux, guiding you through the process...

Learning Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora

Learning Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora Image
4th Edition
The GNU/Linux success story is well known. Firmly established as a high-performance operating system, its worldwide installations are increasing at phenomenal rates. Much of this success has been on the server side, but more and more PC users are turning to Linux on the desktop, as well.For those grounded in Microsoft Windows or Apple Macintosh graphical interfaces, the first look at a powerful Unix-style operating system can be daunting. This book provides a clear, no-nonsense introduction to the popular Red Hat distribution of Linux. It takes you through installation and shows you the key parts of the system, always with an eye toward what can go wro...

Learning Rails

Learning Rails Image
While most books written about Rails cater to programmers looking for information on data structures, Learning Rails targets web developers whose programming experience is tied directly to the Web. Rather than begin with the inner layers of a Rails web application--the models and controllers--this unique book approaches Rails development from the outer layer: the application interface. You'll learn how to create something visible with Rails before reaching the more difficult database models and controller code. With Learning Rails, you can start from the foundations of web design you already know, and then move more deeply into Ruby, objects, and database structures. This book will help you:Present web content by building an application with a basic ...

Learning Python

Learning Python Image
Learning Python is an introduction to the increasingly popular Python programming language. Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented scripting language. Python is growing in popularity because: It is available on all important platforms: Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows 98, Linux, all major UNIX platforms, MacOS, and even the BeOS. It is open-source software, copyrighted but freely available for use, even in commercial applications. Its clean object-oriented interface makes it a valuable prototyping tool for C++ programmers. It works well with all popular windowing toolkits, including MFC, Tk, Mac, X11, and Motif. Learning Python is written by Mark Lutz, author of Programming Python and Python Pocket Reference; and David Ascher, a vis...

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