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The Essence of Object-Oriented Programming with Java and UML

The Essence of Object-Oriented Programming with Java and UML Image
This book can give any Java developer -- regardless of experience -- the firm foundation they need to achieve the full benefits of object-oriented programming. The book combines practical introductions to UML, object-oriented methodologies, design patterns, libraries, and frameworks -- giving developers all the skills they need to begin writing robust object-oriented programs -- and to tackle the entire field of object-oriented development. Leading developer Bruce Wampler begins with a brief introduction to objects and their benefits; then introduces the fundamental concepts of object orientation and shows how they can be implemented in Java -- starting with the basics, and moving on to advanced topics such as object lifetime and copies of objects. H...

Object-Oriented System Development

Object-Oriented System Development Image
There is more to "object-oriented" than application programming. Object-oriented methods have revolutionized the way analysts, designers, software engineers, project managers, and tool builders construct entire software systems. Object-Oriented System Development will help you to better understand the role of analysis and design in the object-oriented development process. Rather than subscribing to a particular object-oriented method, this book gives step-by-step instructions on how to put key object-oriented concepts to work in software construction. Many examples, including a full banking system, are developed throughout the book to illustrate the process of object-oriented software development from analysis, through design, and into impl...

Object-Oriented Game Development

Object-Oriented Game Development Image
Games software has its roots in a "cottage" industry,ignoring formal methodologies, instead leaving the programmers tofind homespun solutions to the technical problems faced. The picture has now changed: the scale of the problems faced by programmers means that more methodical techniques must be applied to game development to prevent projects spiralling out of control, both in terms of technical complexity and cost.The book addresses how program teams can develop ever more complex entertainment software within the constraints of deadlines, budgets and changing technologies. It establishes a set of best practices tempered with real-world pragmatism, understanding that there is no "one size fits all" solution.No member of the game d...

Component Software

Beyond Object-Oriented Programming
Component Software Image
2nd Edition
The author describes his book as a "unique blend of market and technology coverage, broad and fair coverage of current technologies and a deep discussion of real problems with their solutions where known". The first edition won the "Jolt Award" became the leading book on the market to combine explanations of what the key technologies are, how to use them and why they are important in the software market-place, and look at these in terms of both the technical and business issues. The book was also the first to define components and clarify the key questions surrounding them, show how they are key to software design and offer a histor...

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