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Applied Cryptanalysis

Breaking Ciphers in the Real World
Applied Cryptanalysis Image
The book is designed to be accessible to motivated IT professionals who want to learn more about the specific attacks covered. In particular, every effort has been made to keep the chapters independent, so if someone is interested in has function cryptanalysis or RSA timing attacks, they do not necessarily need to study all of the previous material in the text. This would be particularly valuable to working professionals who might want to use the book as a way to quickly gain some depth on one specific topic....

The Definitive Guide to How Computers Do Math

Featuring the Virtual DIY Calculator
The Definitive Guide to How Computers Do Math Image
The Basics of Computer Arithmetic Made Enjoyable and Accessible-with a Special Program Included for Hands-on Learning"The combination of this book and its associated virtual computer is fantastic! Experience over the last fifty years has shown me that there's only one way to truly understand how computers work; and that is to learn one computer and its instruction set-no matter how simple or primitive-from the ground up. Once you fully comprehend how that simple computer functions, you can easily extrapolate to more complex machines."-Fred Hudson, retired engineer/scientist"This book-along with the virtual DIY Calculator-is an incredibly useful teaching and learning tool. The interesting trivia nuggets keep you turning the pages to see...

Theory of Modern Electronic Semiconductor Devices

Theory of Modern Electronic Semiconductor Devices Image
A thorough examination of the present and future of semiconductor device technologyEngineers continue to develop new electronic semiconductor devices that are almost exponentially smaller, faster, and more efficient than their immediate predecessors. Theory of Modern Electronic Semiconductor Devices endeavors to provide an up-to-date, extended discussion of the most important emerging devices and trends in semiconductor technology, setting the pace for the next generation of the discipline's literature.Kevin Brennan and April Brown focus on three increasingly important areas: telecommunications, quantum structures, and challenges and alternatives to CMOS technology. Specifically, the text examines the behavior of heterostructure devices for communica...

Fuzzy Expert Systems and Fuzzy Reasoning

Fuzzy Expert Systems and Fuzzy Reasoning Image
Fuzzy sets were for a long time not accepted by the AI community. Now they have become highly evolved and their techniques are well established. This book will teach the reader how to construct a fuzzy expert system to solve real-world problems. After a general discussion of expert systems, the basic fuzzy math required is presented first, requiring little more math background than high-school algebra. This book will fill a void in the market because although there are many books on expert systems, none devote more than a few pages to the notion of fuzzy sets and their applications in this domain. Therefore their use in this book is timely and should be well received.The book is designed as a text and has ample problems with solutions, a solutions ma...

Design and Analysis of Distributed Algorithms

Design and Analysis of Distributed Algorithms Image
This text is based on a simple and fully reactive computational model that allows for intuitive comprehension and logical designs. The principles and techniques presented can be applied to any distributed computing environment (e.g., distributed systems, communication networks, data networks, grid networks, internet, etc.). The text provides a wealth of unique material for learning how to design algorithms and protocols perform tasks efficiently in a distributed computing environment....

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