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Inside Your Calculator

From Simple Programs to Significant Insights
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Uncover the mysteries that lie within your calculatorThis remarkable book explores the simple internal calculator processesalgorithms and programsthat tell us, for example, that the cosine of 56? is 0.5591929035. Using carefully constructed diagrams and figures, the author effectively demonstrates how calculator keys compute powers, roots, logarithms, and trigonometry functions, while also providing insights into simple programming, the conversion between decimal and binary numeration, and perhaps most importantly, the structure of our numeration systems. Many people believe that the processes that drive calculators demand advanced mathematical concepts; however, this book proves that a minimal understanding of algebra and geometry is all that is nee...

AutoCAD 2014 For Dummies

AutoCAD 2014 For Dummies Image
Find your way around AutoCAD 2014 with this full-color, For Dummies guide!Put away that pencil and paper and start putting the power of AutoCAD 2014 to work in your CAD projects and designs. From setting up your drawing environment to using text, dimensions, hatching, and more, this guide walks you through AutoCAD basics and provides you with a solid understanding of the latest CAD tools and techniques. You'll also benefit from the full-color illustrations that mirror exactly what you'll see on your AutoCAD 2014 screen and highlight the importance of AutoCAD's Model view, which shows different line weights for printing in different colors.Covers the latest AutoCAD features and techniques, including creating a basic layout, navigating the AutoCAD 2014...

The Essential Guide to User Interface Design

An Introduction to GUI Design Principles and Techniques
The Essential Guide to User Interface Design Image
3rd Edition
Bringing together the results of more than 300 new design studies, an understanding of people, knowledge of hardware and software capabilities, and the author's practical experience gained from 45 years of work with display-based systems, this book addresses interface and screen design from the user's perspective. You will learn how to create an effective design methodology, design and organize screens and Web pages that encourage efficient comprehension and execution, and create screen icons and graphics that make displays easier and more comfortable to use....

Starting an Online Business

For Dummies
Starting an Online Business Image
7th Edition
Mind your business with this updated edition of the bestselling online business how-to guideHave a computer, an Internet connection, and a dream? Then, you're already on your way to starting your very own online business. This fun and friendly guide can help you turn your big idea into big bucks whether you're expanding your real-world storefront online or creating your own virtual startup. Starting an Online Business For Dummies, 7th Edition will show you how to identify a market need, choose a web hosting service, implement security and privacy measures, open up shop, and start promoting to the world.Covers the latest trends and techniques for online...

Oracle 12c For Dummies

Oracle 12c For Dummies Image
Demystifying the power of the Oracle 12c databaseThe Oracle database is the industry-leading relational database management system (RDMS) used from small companies to the world's largest enterprises alike for their most critical business and analytical processing. Oracle 12c includes industry leading enhancements to enable cloud computing and empowers users to manage both Big Data and traditional data structures faster and cheaper than ever before. Oracle 12c For Dummies is the perfect guide for a novice database administrator or an Oracle DBA who is new to Oracle 12c. The book covers what you need to know about Oracle 12c architecture, software tools, and how to successfully manage Oracle databases in the real world.Highlights the important features...

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