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High Density Data Storage

Principle, Technology, and Materials
High Density Data Storage Image
The explosive increase in information and the miniaturization of electronic devices demand new recording technologies and materials that combine high density, fast response, long retention time and rewriting capability. As predicted, the current silicon-based computer circuits are reaching their physical limits. Further miniaturization of the electronic components and increase in data storage density are vital for the next generation of IT equipment such as ultra high-speed mobile computing, communication devices and sophisticated sensors. This original book presents a comprehensive introduction to the significant research achievements on high-density data storage from the aspects of recording mechanisms, materials and fabrication technologies, which...

Quantum Processes

Quantum Processes Image
Space and time are probably the most important elements in physics. Within the memory of man, all essential things are represented within the frame of space-time pictures. This is obviously the most basic information. What can we say about space and time? It is normally assumed that the space is a container filled with matter and that the time is just that which we measure with our clocks. However, there are some reasons to take another standpoint and to consider this container-conception as unrealistic, as prejudice so to say. Already the philosopher Immanuel Kant pointed on this serious problem. In this monograph, the author discusses the so-called projection theory. In contrast to the container-conception (reality is embedded in space and time), ...

Quantum Information And Computing

Quantum Information And Computing Image
The main purpose of this volume is to emphasize the multidisciplinary aspects of this very active new line of research in which concrete technological and industrial realizations require the combined efforts of experimental and theoretical physicists, mathematicians and engineers....

Problems & Solutions in Quantum Computing & Quantum Information

Problems & Solutions in Quantum Computing & Quantum Information Image
Quantum computing and quantum information are two of the fastest-growing and most exciting research areas in physics. The possibilities of using non-local behaviour of quantum mechanics to factorize integers in random polynomial time have added to this new interest. This invaluable book provides a collection of problems in quantum computing and quantum information together with detailed solutions. It consists of two parts: in the first part finite-dimensional systems are considered, while the second part deals with finite-dimensional systems. All the important concepts and topics are included, such as quantum gates and quantum circuits, entanglement, teleportation, Bell states, Bell inequality, Schmidt decomposition, quantum Fourier transform, magic ...

Principles of Quantum Computation and Information

Volume 1 Basic Concepts
Principles of Quantum Computation and Information Image
Quantum computation and information is a new, rapidly developing interdisciplinary field. Therefore, it is not easy to understand its fundamental concepts and central results without facing numerous technical details. This book provides the reader a useful and not-too-heavy guide. It offers a simple and self-contained introduction: no previous knowledge of quantum mechanics or classical computation is required. Volume 1 may be used as a textbook for a one-semester introductory course in quantum information and computation, both for upper-level undergraduate students and for graduate students. It contains a large number of solved exercises, which are an essential complement to the text, as they will help the student to become familiar with the subject...

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