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Adobe InDesign CS2

Classroom in a Book

Adobe InDesign CS2 Image

Book Details:

Publisher:Adobe Press
Series: Adobe Press , Classroom In A Book
Author:Adobe Creative Team
Published:Jul 28 2005
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:CHM
Book size:14.31 MB

Book Description:

With its ever-tightening integration with Adobe's full suite of creative products and its own increasingly sophisticated feature set, InDesign is winning legions of Quark and FrameMaker converts. If you're among themor if you've decided to sidestep those programs altogetheryou need this book. In these pages, the Adobe Creative Team uses a series of project-based lessons to provide a thorough grounding in the InDesign school of page design. You'll find step-by-step lessons in InDesign CS2 fundamentals plus plenty of the advanced tips and techniques you need to take your page designs to the next level. The workbook-style format includes self-paced lessons followed by review questions to reinforce the knowledge and a CD with all of the files required to complete the book's projects. Throughout, special focus is given to the features new to InDesign CS: the new Adobe Bridge file browser; object styles, snippets, smarter text handling, the ability to hide or show layers in Photoshop and PDF files, and much more.

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