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The Art of Designing Embedded Systems

The Art of Designing Embedded Systems Image
Art of Designing Embedded Systems is apart primer and part reference, aimed at practicing embedded engineers, whether working on the code or the hardware design. Embedded systems suffer from a chaotic, ad hoc development process. This books lays out a very simple seven-step plan to get firmware development under control. There are no formal methodologies to master; the ideas are immediately useful. Most designers are unaware that code complexity grows faster than code size. This book shows a number of ways to linearize the complexity/size curve and get products out faster. Ganssle shows ways to get better code and hardware designs by integrating hardware and software design. He also covers troubleshooting, real time and performance issues, relations ...

The Art of Designing Embedded Systems

The Art of Designing Embedded Systems Image
2nd Edition
Jack Ganssle has been forming the careers of embedded engineers for 20+ years. He has done this with four books, over 500 articles, a weekly column, and continuous lecturing. Technology moves fast and since the first edition of this best-selling classic much has changed. The new edition will reflect the author's new and ever evolving philosophy in the face of new technology and realities. Now more than ever an overarching philosophy of development is needed before just sitting down to build an application. Practicing embedded engineers will find that Jack provides a high-level strategic plan of attack to the often times chaotic and ad hoc design and de...

Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors

Real World Design
Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors Image
Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors addresses the technologies and methods used in interfacing analog devices to microprocessors, providing in-depth coverage of practical control applications, op amp examples, and much more. A companion to the author's popular Embedded Microprocessor Systems: Real World Design, this new embedded systems book focuses on measurement and control of analog quantities in embedded systems that are required to interface to the real world. At a time when modern electronic systems are increasingly digital, a comprehensive source on interfacing the real world to microprocessors should prove invaluable to embedded systems engineers, students, technicians, and hobbyists. Anyone involved in connecting the analog envir...

Advanced PIC Microcontroller Projects in C

From USB to RTOS with the PIC 18F Series
Advanced PIC Microcontroller Projects in C Image
This book is ideal for the engineer, technician, hobbyist and student who have knowledge of the basic principles of PIC microcontrollers and want to develop more advanced applications using the 18F series.The architecture of the PIC 18FXXX series as well as typical oscillator, reset, memory, and input-output circuits is completely detailed. After giving an introduction to programming in C, the book describes the project development cycle in full, giving details of the process of editing, compilation, error handling, programming and the use of specific development tools. The bulk of the book gives full details of tried and tested hands-on projects, such as the 12C BUS, USB BUS, CAN BUS, SPI BUS and real-time operating systems. *The only project book o...

Linux Appliance Design

A Hands-On Guide to Building Linux Appliances
Linux Appliance Design Image
Modern appliances are complex machines with processors, operating systems, and application software. While there are books that will tell you how to run Linux on embedded hardware, and books on how to build a Linux application, Linux Appliance Design is the first book to demonstrate how to merge the two and create a Linux appliance. You'll see for yourself why Linux is the embedded operating system of choice for low-cost development and a fast time to market.Linux Appliance Design shows how to build better appliances-appliances with more types of interfaces, more dynamic interfaces, and better debugged interfaces. You'll learn how to build backend daemons, handle asynchronous events, and connect various user interfaces (including web, framebuffers, i...

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