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Dec 13 2014 Added eBooks Page 2

Download free Dec 13 2014 Added eBooks Page 2

Cyber Warfare

How Conflicts in Cyberspace Are Challenging America and Changing the World
Cyber Warfare Image
The binary system of counting, which uses only 1s and 0s, lies at the heart of computational algorithms. Every number, every bit of data, every voice communication, and every video can, in essence, be expressed as a string of 1s and 0s. In physical terms, deep within the innards of the computer, silicon chips create those 1s and 0s through a series of switches whose structure is etched onto wafer-thin silicon integrated circuits. The beauty of cyberspace and its genius lies in recognizing the universal power of these simple 1s and 0s. The rapidity with which they can be manipulated has, over the past decades, increased exponentially. And that explosion in computing power has fostered a wild explosion of new technology. Hardly a day goes by without th...

Digital Soul

Intelligent Machines and Human Values
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This book is not for experts in computers or artificial intelligence. My audience is ordinary people who are curious enough to ask questions like these, and who want to be able to make informed decisions about the course of AI's development. It is even for those who think that all this is rubbish--that no matter how smart machines get, they will never truly think, have a soul, or be self-aware in the same sense we are. Whatever your leanings, it should do no harm to explore, poke around, ask questions, and try to find out what makes machines so smart, what their inherent limitations might be, and where the boundary between human and artificial intelligence might lie. If these questions make you vaguely uncomfortable, it may be because they challenge ...

Surveillance and Threat Detection

Prevention versus Mitigation
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Surveillance and Threat Detection offers readers a complete understanding of the terrorist/criminal cycle, and how to interrupt that cycle to prevent an attack. Terrorists and criminals often rely on pre-attack and pre-operational planning and surveillance activities that can last a period of weeks, months, or even years. Identifying and disrupting this surveillance is key to prevention of attacks. The systematic capture of suspicious events and the correlation of those events can reveal terrorist or criminal surveillance, allowing security professionals to employ appropriate countermeasures and identify the steps needed to apprehend the perpetrators. The results will dramatically increase the probability of prevention while streamlining protection ...


A Beginner's Guide
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4th Edition
Fully updated for the latest JavaScript standard and featuring a new chapter on HTML5 and jQuery JavaScript: A Beginner's Guide shows how to create dynamic Web pages complete with special effects using today's leading Web development language. With the growth of HTML 5, JavaScript is expected to grow even more to script the canvas element, add drag and drop functionality, and more. This fast-paced tutorial provides step-by-step coverage of the fundamentals, including variables, functions, operators, event handlers, objects, arrays, strings, and forms. The book then moves to more advanced techniques, including debugging, accessibility, and security. Thi...

Cybersecurity and Cyberwar

What Everyone Needs to Know
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A generation ago, "cyberspace" was just a term from science fiction, used to describe the nascent network of computers linking a few university labs. Today, our entire modern way of life, from communication to commerce to conflict, fundamentally depends on the Internet. And the cybersecurity issues that result challenge literally everyone: politicians wrestling with everything from cybercrime to online freedom; generals protecting the nation from new forms of attack, while planning new cyberwars; business executives defending firms from once unimaginable threats, and looking to make money off of them; lawyers and ethicists building new frameworks for right and wrong. Most of all, cybersecurity issues affect us as individuals. We face new qu...

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