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HTML5 for Web Designers

HTML5 for Web Designers Image
HTML5 is the longest HTML specification ever written. It is also the most powerful, and in some ways, the most confusing. What do accessible, content-focused standards-based web designers and front-end developers need to know? And how can we harness the power of HTML5 in today's browsers? In this brilliant and entertaining user's guide, Jeremy Keith cuts to the chase, with crisp, clear, practical examples, and his patented twinkle and charm....

USB Mass Storage

Designing and Programming Devices and Embedded Hosts
USB Mass Storage Image
This developer's guide for designers and programmers of mass-storage devices that use the Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface provides developers with information on how to choose storage media, interface the media to a microcontroller or other CPU, and write device firmware to access the media and perform USB communications. Comparisons of popular storage-media options to help users choose a media type for a project are included, and the types described cover hard drives and flash-memory cards such as the MultiMediaCard (MMC), Secure Digital (SD) card, and CompactFlash card. Helpful tips on developing an embedded host that can access USB mass-storage devices are also covered....

Embedded Controller Hardware Design

Embedded Controller Hardware Design Image
Embedded Controller Hardware Design targets one of the most popular embedded controllers around, the 8051. The book, written by Ken Arnold for LLH Technology Publishing, is a great introduction to low-end, controller design, especially for developers fresh out of college or just off other projects that are used to 32-bit systems running Windows and Linux. Experienced 8-bit embedded designers will not find the book as useful unless they're unfamiliar with the 8051 and need to use it in a new project. The coverage ranges from a novice level introduction of electronics that touches on resistors and tristate buffers to more advanced topics like bus current limitations and using 8-bit microcontrollers and PLDs (programmable logic devices). The bulk of the...

ExamInsight For Windows XP Professional Certification

Exam 70-270
ExamInsight For Windows XP Professional Certification Image
Part of the ExamInsight For IT Certification Series, this new book fills the gap existing in study material available for candidates preparing to sit the Microsoft Windows XP exam. It covers the information associated with each exam topic in detail and includes information found in no other book. Using the book will help readers determine if they are ready for the Microsoft Windows XP Professional 70-270 certification exam. Each chapter in this book includes a pre- and post-assessment quiz to measure comprehension of each topic. This book explains the concepts in a clear and easy-to-understand manner to help you not only pass the exam, but to apply the knowledge later in a real-world situation. Chapter summaries help wrap up each topic. The large glo...

Linux Red Hat 6.2 Getting Started Guide

Linux Red Hat 6.2 Getting Started Guide Image
If you count yourself among the many who are discovering Red Hat Linux for the first time, this book is for you! Inside, you will find valuable tips and tricks which can help you get acquainted with your desktop environment. Concentrating on tasks in GNOME and KDE, you will see how to navigate through your system, how to manage files and directories and how to make some of the power of Red Hat Linux work for you. If you are most familiar with a Windows environment, you will find the DOS-to-Linux commands in Appendix C, DOS to Linux Cheat Sheet (as well as the tips on the enclosed cheat sheet in the boxed set of Red Hat Linux) to be useful guides, so you can start looking around right away....

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