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Serial Port Complete

Programming And Circuits For Rs-232 And Rs-485 Links And Networks
Serial Port Complete Image
This book is a guide to designing, programming, installing and troubleshooting computer links, including networks of multiple computer. Most of the links described use one of two serial interfaces popularly known as RS-232 and RS-485. The computers may be personal computers, embedded controllers, or any devices that share a common interface. Common uses for these links include data acquisition and control systems....

Modern Web Design and Development

Modern Web Design and Development Image
The book contains sixteen chapters: 1. Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How to Use It Almost every new client these days wants a mobile version of their website. It's practically essential after all: one design for the BlackBerry, another for the iPhone, the iPad, netbook, Kindle - and all screen resolutions must be compatible, too. In the next five years, we'll likely need to design for a number of additional inventions. When will the madness stop? It won't, of course. 2. HTML5: The Facts and the Myths You can't escape it. Everyone's talking about HTML5. it's perhaps the most hyped technology since people started putting rounded corners on everything and using unnecessary gradients. In fact, a lot of what people call HTML5 is actually just old...

Let Us C

Let Us C Image
5th Edition
Considered to be one of the best-selling programming books ever written, the eighth edition has now been edited, revised, and updated. A CD-ROM with demos, code, compiler, executables, and MATLAB examples has been added to the book. Simplicity and an easy narration style are the hallmarks of the book, which have made its previous seven editions immensely successful. Today s C programmer (still the language of choice in science, engineering, game programming and for handheld devices) has to master the complexities of the language and contend with its usage in environments like Windows, Linux, and for the Internet. Let Us C, Eighth Edition covers these t...

Digital Interfaces and Bus Systems for Communication

Digital Interfaces and Bus Systems for Communication Image
Digital communication confronts us every day in modern process engineering: - it is used for configuring and setting the parameters for microprocessor instruments- serial bus systems, with minimum wiring requirements, are able to acquire a large amount of decentralized information and distribute it to the process equipment. Intelligent field and automation devices can communicate directly with one another via a digital bus.This book is intended as a step-by-step introduction to the subject of digital communications, for practical engineers and those new to this field. The emphasis is on clarifying generalized topics, as well as including some JUMO-specific applications.In this revised edition, the material on bus systems has been extensively updated....

Control Engineering

A Practical Guide
Control Engineering Image
3rd Edition
This work is intended to be of practical assistance in control engineering technology. It will help you to select and set up a suitable controller for various applications. It describes the different types of controller and the options for setting them up. The explanations and definitions are provided without using advanced mathematics, and are mainly applied to temperature-control loops. In this new and revised edition Chapter 3 and 5 have been extensively updated....

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