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Java Programming on Linux

Java Programming on Linux Image
Java Programming on Linux is a detailed how-to book on using Java on a Linux operating system. Topics include installing and enabling a Java runtime environment under Linux, Java development in Linux, running Java applications and applets under Linux, using Java with Linux-based Web servers, using Sun Components JCE and JAI in Linux, using Sun Environments Personal Java, Embedded Java, and Jini in Linux, and using JNI to Link Java and Native Capabilities....

Data Structures & Algorithms in Java

Data Structures & Algorithms in Java Image
Not filled with with obtuse mathematics and difficult proofs, MWSS:Data Structures and Algorithms in Java removes the mystique from DS&A. It does this in two ways. First, the text is written in a straightforward style, making it accessible to anyone. Second, unique new Java demonstration programs, called "Workshop Applets," are provided with the book. These Workshop Applets provide interactive "moving pictures" which the user can control and modify by pressing buttons. The book's text describes specific operations the user can carry out with these Workshop Applets, and the applets then reveal the inner workings of an algorithm or data structure....

C++ Interactive Course

Fast Mastery of C++
C++ Interactive Course Image
Teaches object-oriented programming in C++++ without assuming prior programming knowledge, dividing the course into small lessons devoted to specific topics and covering the newest features including the Standard Template Library. Original. (Beginner)....

Design Basics

Design Basics Image
8th Edition
Filled with hundreds of stunning examples of successful two dimensional design, this how-to book explains design theory and gives you the tools necessary so you can create successful designs yourself. DESIGN BASICS presents art fundamentals concepts in full two- to four-page spreads, making the text practical and easy for you to refer to while you work....

Designing Analog Chips

Designing Analog Chips Image
A comprehensive introduction to CMOS and bipolar analog IC design. The book presumes no prior knowledge of linear design, making it comprehensible to engineers with a non-analog back-ground. The emphasis is on practical design, covering the entire field with hundreds of examples to explain the choices. Concepts are presented following the history of their discovery. Content: 1. Devices Semiconductors, The Bipolar Transistor, The Integrated Circuit, Integrated NPN Transistors, The Case of the Lateral PNP Transistor, CMOS Transistors, The Substrate PNP Transistor, Diodes, Zener Diodes, Resistors, Capacitors, CMOS vs. Bipolar; 2. Simulation, DC Analysis, AC Analysis, Transient Analysis, Variations, Models, Diode Model, Bipolar Transis-tor Model, Model f...

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