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Automating Windows with Perl

Automating Windows with Perl Image
Perl is the perfect language for achieving automation in Windows because it combines a painless Visual Basic style of coding with Perl's strength as a scripting language for process communications. However, the new multitasking and networking approaches with 32-bit Windows require a radical departure from previous programming techniques. This book, dedicated to the use of Perl as a language to automate 32-bit Windows, shows how to control many Win32 systems processes without immediate user interaction.The author explains how to use Peri scripts to automate tasks such as processing complex documents and customizing interactions by making a program look different to different users. Also provided are Peri scripts that will permit network administrators...

Fundamentals of Data Structures

Fundamentals of Data Structures Image
Progress in the study of data structures and algorithm design has continued. Out of this recent work has come many good ideas which we believe should be presented to students of computer science. It is our purpose in writing this book to emphasize those trends which we see as especially valuable and long lasting. The most important of these new concepts is the need to distinguish between the specification of a data structure and its realization within an available programming language. This distinction has been mostly blurred in previous books where the primary emphasis has either been on a programming language or on representational techniques. Our attempt here has been to separate out the specification of the data structure from its realization and...

Social Media for Trainers

Techniques for Enhancing and Extending Learning
Social Media for Trainers Image
New social media technologies and strategies provide quick, easy solutions to many of the challenges faced by workplace training practitioners. Social media vehicles such as Twitter and Facebook, for example, can help trainers build learning communities, facilitate quick assignments, offer updates or follow-up tips, and otherwise extend the reach of the formal training event. Social Media for Trainers is the first how-to guide on the incorporation of social networking techniques into a trainer's repertoire. It covers the most popular Web 2.0 tools for instructor-created content (blogs), community-created content (wikis), micro-blogging (Twitter), and community sharing and interaction (Facebook), all with detailed instruction on conducting several tra...

Information theory and statistics

Information theory and statistics Image
Highly useful text studies the logarithmic measures of information and their application to testing statistical hypotheses. Topics include introduction and definition of measures of information, their relationship to Fisher's information measure and sufficiency, fundamental inequalities of information theory, much more. Numerous worked examples and problems. References. Glossary. Appendix....


How the Code Rebels Beat the Government Saving Privacy in the Digital Age
Crypto Image
If you ever made a secure purchase with your credit card over the Internet, then you have seen cryptography, or "crypto", in action. From Stephen Levy, the author who made "hackers" a household word, comes this account of a revolution that is already affecting every citizen in twenty-first century. Crypto tells the inside story of how a group of "crypto labels", nerds and visionaries turned freedom figthers, teamed up with corporate interests to beat Big Brother and ensure our privacy on the Internet. Levy's history of one of the most controversial and important topics of the digital age reads like the best futuristic fiction....

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