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Google Analytics 2.0

Google Analytics 2.0 Image
Site statistics give you raw numbers, but Web analytics crunch those numbers into meaningful metrics you can actually use. Here's what's new in Google Analytics 2.0, such as cross-segment reporting and drilldown content that enhance analysis. Learn to set up Analytics and choose filters, explore goals and goal-setting, use customizable dashboards and date ranges, and master basic analytics and Web statistics concepts. Examine every aspect of available reports, learn to use those best suited for e-commerce sites, and more.BONUS: Each copy of Google Analytics 2.0 includes a $25 Google AdWords gift card compliments of Google. With this $25 gift card , you can attract new customers to your website on Google's dime....

Statistical Pattern Recognition

Statistical Pattern Recognition Image
2nd Edition
Statistical pattern recognition is a very active area of study and research, which has seen many advances in recent years. New and emerging applications - such as data mining, web searching, multimedia data retrieval, face recognition, and cursive handwriting recognition - require robust and efficient pattern recognition techniques. Statistical decision making and estimation are regarded as fundamental to the study of pattern recognition.Statistical Pattern Recognition, Second Edition has been fully updated with new methods, applications and references. It provides a comprehensive introduction to this vibrant area - with material drawn from engineering...

JavaScript Programming

Pushing the Limits
JavaScript Programming Image
Take your JavaScript knowledge as far as it can goJavaScript has grown up, and it's a hot topic. Newer and faster JavaScript VMs and frameworks built upon them have increased the popularity of JavaScript for server-side web applications, and rich JS applications are being developed for mobile devices. This book delivers a compelling tutorial, showing you how to build a real-world app from the ground up. Experienced developers who want to master the latest techniques and redefine their skills will find this deep dive into JavaScript's hidden functionalities gives them the tools to create truly amazing and complex applications.JavaScript has evolved into much more than simple client-side scripting; this book delves into advanced topics not generally fo...

Android Programming

Pushing the Limits
Android Programming Image
Unleash the power of the Android OS and build the kinds of brilliant, innovative apps users love to useIf you already know your way around the Android OS and can build a simple Android app in under an hour, this book is for you. If you're itching to see just how far you can push it and discover what Android is really capable of, it's for you. And if you're ready to learn how to build advanced, intuitive, innovative apps that are a blast to use, this book is definitely for you.From custom views and advanced multi-touch gestures, to integrating online web services and exploiting the latest geofencing and activity recognition features, ace Android developer, Erik Hellman, delivers expert tips, tricks and little-known techniques for pushing the Android e...

Ubuntu Linux Bible

Ubuntu Linux Bible Image
Everything you need to knowand then some!It's the fastest-growing, coolest Linux distribution out there, and now you can join the excitement with this information-packed guide. Want to edit graphics? Create a spreadsheet? Manage groups? Set up an NFS server? You'll learn it all and more with the expert guidance, tips, and techniques in this first-ever soup-to-nuts book on Ubuntu. From the basics for newcomers to enterprise management for system administrators, it's what you need to succeed with Ubuntu.Master the fundamentals for desktop and networksSend e-mail, share files, edit text, and printDownload music, watch DVDs, and play gamesUse Ubuntu on laptops, go wireless, or synch it with your PDASet up Web, mail, print, DNS, DHCP, and other serversMan...

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