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Computational Lithography

Computational Lithography Image
A Unified Summary of the Models and Optimization Methods Used in Computational LithographyOptical lithography is one of the most challenging areas of current integrated circuit manufacturing technology. The semiconductor industry is relying more on resolution enhancement techniques (RETs), since their implementation does not require significant changes in fabrication infrastructure. Computational Lithography is the first book to address the computational optimization of RETs in optical lithography, providing an in-depth discussion of optimal optical proximity correction (OPC), phase shifting mask (PSM), and off-axis illumination (OAI) RET tools that use model-based mathematical optimization approaches.The book starts with an introduction to optical l...

Designing mLearning

Tapping into the Mobile Revolution for Organizational Performance
Designing mLearning Image
Mobile is a powerful new tool for supporting organizational performance, including a wide-variety of learning opportunities including innovation, collaboration, research, and design. Mobile generates new products, services, and helps solve problems. Whether providing needed tools, augmenting learning, or connecting individuals, mobile devices are empowering individuals and organizations.Designing mLearning is a hands-on resource that presents step-by-step guidance for designing, delivering, and deploying mobile solutions, covering both the background model and pragmatic considerations for successfully navigating mobile projects. The book takes an integrated approach to mobile learning regardless of the device used. Written by Dr. Clark Quinn, a noted...

Engineering Optimization

An Introduction with Metaheuristic Applications
Engineering Optimization Image
An accessible introduction to metaheuristics and optimization, featuring powerful and modern algorithms for application across engineering and the sciencesFrom engineering and computer science to economics and management science, optimization is a core component for problem solving. Highlighting the latest developments that have evolved in recent years, Engineering Optimization: An Introduction with Metaheuristic Applications outlines popular metaheuristic algorithms and equips readers with the skills needed to apply these techniques to their own optimization problems. With insightful examples from various fields of study, the author highlights key concepts and techniques for the successful application of commonly-used metaheuristc algorithms, includ...

Hashing in Computer Science

Fifty Years of Slicing and Dicing
Hashing in Computer Science Image
Written by one of the developers of the technology, Hashing is both a historical document on the development of hashing and an analysis of the applications of hashing in a society increasingly concerned with security. The material in this book is based on courses taught by the author, and key points are reinforced in sample problems and an accompanying instructor s manual. Graduate students and researchers in mathematics, cryptography, and security will benefit from this overview of hashing and the complicated mathematics that it requires....

Mac OS X Leopard Bible

Mac OS X Leopard Bible Image
The beauty of Leopard is that there is so much more than meets the eye, including over 300 new enhancements and its ability to run on both Intel PCs and PowerPC Macs. This comprehensive reference is your best guide on how to tame this powerful new cat. You'll find the latest technologies, new wireless networking, cool Dashboard widgets, a reflective Dock, and more. Discover secret tips and workarounds that even Apple doesn't know about....

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