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Designing for Emotion

Designing for Emotion Image
Make your users fall in love with your site via the precepts packed into this brief, charming book by MailChimp user experience design lead Aarron Walter. From classic psychology to case studies, highbrow concepts to common sense, Designing for Emotion demonstrates accessible strategies and memorable methods to help you make a human connection through design....

GNU Emacs Lisp

Reference Manual
GNU Emacs Lisp Image
This manual attempts to be a full description of Emacs Lisp. Emacs Lisp is more than a mere 'extension language' it is a full computer programming language in its own right. You can use it as you would any other programming language....

Securing and Optimizing Linux

Redhat Edition
Securing and Optimizing Linux Image
This book is intended for a technical audience and system administrators who manage Linux servers, but it also includes material for home users and others. It discusses how to install and setup a Red Hat Linux Server with all the necessary security and optimization for a high performance Linux specific machine. Since we speak of optimization and security configuration, we will use a source distribution (tar.gz) program the most available type for critical server software like Apache, BIND/DNS, Samba, Squid, OpenSSL etc. Source packages give us fast upgrades, security updates when necessary, and a better compilation, customization, and optimization for our specific machines that often we can't have with RPM packages....

Progress in Optics

Volume 14
Progress in Optics Image
The present volume of PROGRESS IN OPTICS just like its thirteen predecessors, contains review articles covering recent researches in optics and related subjects. The first article, by J. C . Dainty, deals with the statistics of speckle patterns, i.e., with the statistics of the random variation of intensity that is produced when a highly coherent light beam is reflected or transmitted by an optically rough surface. In view of the increasing utilization of laser light it has become imperative to gain a good understanding of speckle phenomena. The article presents the most important aspects of the underlying theory. The second article, by A. Labeyrie, provides a review of modern high resolution techniques employed in optical astronomy. It gives an acco...

Feedback Control Theory

Feedback Control Theory Image
This book is adressed to students in engineering who have had an undergraduate course in signals and systems, including an introduction to frequency-domain methods of analyzing feedback control systems, namely, Bode plots and the Nyquist criterion. A prior course on state-space theory would be advantageous for some optional sections, but it is not necessay. To keep the development elementary, the systems use single-input/single-output and linear. operating in continuous time....

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